
Use weak property to avoid strong reference cycle

  • Typical senario: delegate
| NSTableView:                       Delegate Object:                 |
|                          strong                                     |
|                        --------->                                   |
| @property id delegate;            @property NSTableView *tableview; |
|                        <---------                                   |
|                          strong                                     |
  • Solution: declare ‘delegate’ as weak property
| NSTableView:                              Delegate Object:                 |
|                                  weak                                      |
|                               --------->                                   |
| @property (weak) id delegate;            @property NSTableView *tableview; |
|                               <---------                                   |
|                                 strong                                     |

Use object cache to keep weak object alive

  • In order to keep a weak object alive, assign it to a strong object (object cache).
  • Then use the object cache to access the content that the weak object points to.
  • Assign nil to the object cache when things are done.

Use copy property

  • If an object wishes to keep its own copy of its property objects, declare these objects with copy property


